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Local Love

Dearest Woodford Countians, here are upcoming opportunities to support one another, share our wealth of talents, time and resources to enrich our community. Check back to see what's new!


Farmers Funding Breakfast

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​Join us for a FREE breakfast and in-person workshop to learn more about Grants, Loans, and cost-share opportunities for small and large-scale farmers. BE SURE TO REGISTER to officially reserve your place! Topics will include: • Farm Service Agency - loans and current programs • UK Extension Service - County Agriculture Investment Program (CAIP and NextGen) • Natural Resource Conservation Service - EQIP cost-share program • Woodford Co. Conservation District - KY Soil and Water Quality Cost-Share, and local cost-share programs • NRCS and Kentucky Center for Agriculture and Rural Development programs 180 Beasley Road, Versailles, KY 40383


Agricultural Districts

Agricultural district laws allow farmers to form special areas where commercial agriculture is encouraged and protected. They are designed to protect agriculture as a viable segment of the state's economy and the land as an important and valuable natural resource. Who Is Eligible? An agricultural district must contain a minimum of 50 contiguous acres which are in agricultural use (contiguous acres may cross roads). Each landowner within the proposed district must have at least 10 acres without a homestead or 11 acres with a homestead. If it is classified as horticultural land, you must have 5 acres without a homestead. The land must be agricultural land as defined in KRS 132.010 (9), "used for the production of livestock, livestock products, poultry, poultry products and/or the growing of tobacco and/or other crops including timber, or where devoted to and meeting the requirements and qualifications for payments pursuant to agriculture programs under an agreement with the state or federal government.” Protection Agricultural districts offer members the following protection under the law: * the right to have their land assessed by the local property valuation administration at the land's agricultural use value; * protection against involuntary annexation; *deferred assessment of fees for water service line extensions as outlined in KRS 74.177 until the land is removed from the agricultural district and sold for non-agricultural purposes (the landowner pays only for their current water service connection); and, * the right to request that the local soil and water conservation district board hold a public hearing on the proposed taking of land under condemnation proceedings initiated by certain utilities. Utilities defined in KRS 278.010 (3) and obtaining a certificate of convenience and necessity as required by KRS 278.020 (1) are exempt from this provision. Benefits As a member of an agricultural district, you receive extra points when applying for the Kentucky Soil Erosion and Water Quality Cost Share Program or the for Kentucky Purchase of Agricultural Conservation Easements program. Membership in an agricultural district is voluntary. Landowners may withdraw from the district at any time by notifying the Conservation District in writing. If a withdrawal of land lowers the original acreage below 50 acres, the agricultural district remains in effect for the remaining landowners.


Holiday Lights Recycling

Holiday lights treating you bad? Bring your duds here to the Agriculture Resource Building. Through Bluegrass Greensource, we take broken strands of lights to be appropriately taken apart and recycled. Drop yours off to either branch of the Woodford County Library, or to us at:

180 Beasley Road, Versailles, KY 40383

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Christmas for Fishes

When you've removed and packed away the ornaments and lights, give your loyal Christmas tree a second life - as fish habitat for Beaver Lake in Anderson County! Bring your de-decorated, live trees to the back of the Agriculture Resource Building any time before January 15th. Drop your tree behind the sheds - on the way past the ARB towards the Recycling Center, on the right directly across from the Jail. They'll be transported to meet with KY Dept of Fish & Wildlife in Anderson County. In the Spring, they'll be deployed into the lake by the Anderson Co. Jr. Conservation Board and students from a Woodford County High School Forestry class! Special thanks to Bo and Tracie at the Woodford County Roads Department, and to Beverly of Anderson Co. Conservation District for helping us in this exceptional collaboration!

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