About Our Work
A growing nation such as ours puts strong demands on our natural resources. With increasing markets for our raw materials, the pressure is placed on our agricultural farmland to produce the crops necessary to meet these demands. At the same time, other land uses are taking up large blocks of prime agricultural land each year removing this land out of production forever. To maintain a sufficient amount of our natural resources for future generations, while providing the necessary elements for growth, places strong responsibilities on mankind.

Our Purpose
It is with the realization of the needs and problems concerning our natural resources that the Woodford County Conservation District strives to educate the public on protecting our environment. What we accomplish as individuals is minimal compared to what we have and can accomplish with united efforts

Our History
The Woodford County Conservation District was organized in February 1946. The District includes all lands in Woodford County (123,520 acres or 194 square miles) including incorporative towns and unincorporated villages. The District is a subdivision of state government, is governed by a board of seven elected supervisors, composed of landowners, producers, business persons, whose powers and duties are set forth in the Soil Conservation Act of 1940 and amendments.

Environment & Sustainability
Woodford County Conservation District Board of Supervisors meetings are normally held on the fourth Monday of each month. The meetings begin at 6:30 pm (November-March) and 7:00 pm (April-October) and are held at the District office, 180 Beasley Road, Versailles, Kentucky. All meetings are open to the public.

Board Awards
Woodford County Conservation District has been awarded several accomplishments over the years. In 2008, the District received the Outstanding Soil Stewardship Program award. The District received the Kentucky Association of Conservation Districts State Conservation Education Award for their outstanding excellence in environmental education programs emphasizing sound management of natural resources in 2006.
Want to better understand what a Conservation District does?
Watch this video!

Woodford County Conservation District
Board of Supervisors
Michael Duckworth, Chair
Peggy Carter Seal, Vice-Chair
Curtis Congleton, Treasurer
Robert Richardson, Assistant Treasurer
Richard Carmickle
Donald Mitchell
Joe Greathouse
Regular meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month at the Agriculture Resource Building.
Mar-Oct: 7:00pm | Nov-Feb: 6:30pm